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Why World of Belz is the Best Jewish Charity to Donate To?

Worldof Belz is a Chassidic Jewish organization that is known around the world for their acts of chesed and charity. They provide many resources to Jews of all color, observance, and location. A beacon of faith and light among communities, World of Belz has locations all over Eretz Yisrael, Europe, The United States, and Australia. If you’re thinking about donating to a Jewish charity, World of Belz is the way to go. Let’s find out why.


The small village, or shtetl of Belz was Poland. It was known for its vibrant Chassidic community life.  The shtetl had an impressive Chassidic dynasty, and was a town filled with knowledgeable and caring Rabbis. The shtetl was destroyed during the Second World War Holocaust, and not World of Belz continues their legacy.   

Today, World of Belz is lead by the fifth Rebbe in the dynasty, Rabbi Yissachar Dov Rokeach. Originally, Reb Aharon and his brother Rabbi Mordechai settled in Tel Aviv, Israel to rebuild Belz.  Under the leadership of the current Rebbe, World of Belz has grown from just a few hundred families in 1966 to touching tens of thousands of families today.


If you’re looking to donate, World of Belz is the best Jewish organization to donate to. Why? Let’s take a look at the charitable work they do all around the globe.

World of Belz provides medical care to theneedy, including the victims of terror attacks, a crucial service.  Belz is dedicated to helping the sick, the needy, the widow, the orphan, just as the Torah commands.   

For new couples, they provide clothing and appliances to help keep a kosher kitchen. They also provide newlyweds with housing assistance. For children, they provide not only education, but transportation for the sick and clothing.  Weekly meals are also sent to the elderly.  There is also a temporary loan program available for the elderly.  

Let’s take a look at just some of the many charity programs run by World of Belz.

  • Saad Umarpeh is a Help Israel charity that assists patients and entire families through the recovery process.  Recovering from illness can be extremely stressful and difficult, but with World of Belz no family is left behind.  
  • Ezras U’vikur Cholim provides free transportation to and from hospitals, and also provides summer care for sick children. This is essential to the sick and needy who need treatment, as well as taking pressure away from the parents of children with illnesses.   
  • Chaim Shel Osher helps couples prepare for their weddings.  Marriage is a crucial aspect to maintaining Jewish life around the world, as the family is the most important facet of Jewish life.   
  • Chassuna Plan is another organization to help with marriage, this time assisting the new couple to lower the price of wedding costs, and providing guidance through the marriage process.  
  • Ezer Leyoldos provides help around the home as well as child care to families with newborn children. They also give cooked meals to the family. This helps new families get off to a great start.  We all know how difficult life can be for new parents.  
  • Tikva U’marpeh helps patients who are undergoing dialysis treatments and has a special department for children.  Dialysis is critical for those who need it, and this is a huge mitzvah.  Again, we can see how much World of Belz cares about the sick and about children in need.  
  • Bechai Uchichu Imoch provides assistance in job searches for Jews of all observance levels, including guidance and placement into good positions.  They also offer debt settlement assistance.  This is a vital way to help needy families.  By helping someone get a job, you provide them with a way of making a living and escaping poverty.  

The Values Committee provides monitoring for communications and computers.  This ensures the sanctity of the Jewish homelife.  


Even to name so many charitable organizations, this is only some of the services World of Belz has to offer. Seeing all that Belz does for their fellow Jews, it is clear that they are the best Jewish organization to donate to.  

With World of Belz, charity is really the name of the game. Providing to so many, your donation will go that much further.  With your help, World of Belz can continue providing to the needy, the sick, new families, and the elderly. Belz is dedicated to perpetuating faithful Jewish life around the world, and you can helping that mission with your donation.


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